Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Bars

Energy bars are a family favorite. They're convenient, easily modifiable and as my daughter stated, "easy to eat with one hand." When you have a toddler and newborn, that's a definite plus. Chris likes to take them to work but he had to stop taking the commercial ones; when you work in an elementary school, nut allergies are always a potential issue. So I have been on the lookout for bars that are fiber-rich, easy to eat and nut-free. 

Here's today's cast.

The recipe is basically an "add everything to the bowl and mix" thing but after I added a lump of raspberry applesauce, I decided to whisk the dry ingredients together first.

Then I continued with the rest of the wet ingredients.

I lined the dish with parchment paper.

I almost forgot the chocolate chips! While I was at it, I threw in a handful of dried cranberries.

To keep the parchment in place, I put a large dollop in each corner, then filled the rest of the dish. I used a spatula to press the mixture firmly into the dish and to level it out.

The mixture was baked at 350F for 25 minutes. I cooled it for about an hour, then put it in the refrigerator to cool and set further. Once the bars were completely cooled, I cut them into squares, wrapped them individually and return them to the fridge where Chris could grab them as he needed them. He ate two bars for lunch and commented that they were a bit soft and didn't hold together as much as he expected but they were moist and flavorful.

I am hoping that storing them in the refrigerator will give them the opportunity to firm up further. I don't think the addition of even more dried fruit would hurt either!

Here's the promised link:


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