Sally's Favorite Cranberry Sauce

 So every now and again I try different recipes for homemade cranberry sauce. I haven't found "the" one yet and I think the main reason I cook it is because I like it when the berries pop. Don't judge.

Today's cast.

I zested the orange and put it aside.

I used the reamer to break down the orange a bit and then squeezed out all that juice!

The cranberries (except for 1/2 cup) were put into the pot along with water, brown sugar and the orange juice.

I brought it to a boil then reduced it to a simmer and stirred frequently.

The popping begins!

After a while all the cranberries had popped but I kept stirring to get rid of some of the liquid.

Once it was nice and thick, I removed the pot from the heat and added the zest, the reserved berries and the vanilla extract.

Once it cooled, it was nice and thick and I don't think reserving the 1/2 cup of cranberries for additional texture were necessary. There were enough berry pieces to keep the sauce chunky.

The recipe more than filled a pint-sized jar. I ate the rest.  It was tangy and cranberry-y but I'm not sure if it's the recipe I have been seeking. I'll keep looking and popping.

Here's the promised link:


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