Roasted curried cauliflower

 Roasted cauliflower and broccoli are two veggies I can't get enough of. There was a time when I only bought one head of cauliflower at a time. Silly me. Two at a time is so much better. More = leftovers!

Here's the cast--the cauliflower was still in the fridge. Because they're like that.

It's such a simple recipe--the lemon juice is combined with the oil, spices, garlic, salt and pepper.

I whisked the mixture to emulsify it.

Then I cut the cauliflower into florets. I decided to do a plain roast on one of the heads--just avocado oil, salt and pepper.

The mixture was tossed with the cauliflower and onions.

I spread them onto a foil-lined baking sheet and popped them in at 425F for about 30 minutes. Since I had two pans, I rotated them after about 15 minutes.

The cauliflower were nicely browned all over (the picture doesn't show it but there was also a yellow undertone due to the curry. The curry flavor was present, but mild, and I personally thought it needed a bit more salt, which I added. The guys liked it but when all is said and done, the non-curried cauliflower had less to pack up for leftovers!

Here's the promised link:


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